Friday, June 29, 2012

Wakatobi Island

Wakatobi is located at the confluence of the Banda Sea and Flores Sea. Wakatobi is an abbreviation of the names of four large islands in the region, the island-scented fragrance, Kaledupa Island, Island and Island Binongko Tomia. Area of ​​each island is the island-scented fragrance (156.5 km2), Kaledupa Island (64.8 km2), Tomia Island (52.4 km2), and Binongko Island (98.7 km2). Originally this group of islands known as the Junior Iron Islands, because since the first inhabitants of the archipelago known as a craftsman or a blacksmith, who supply the household needs and the tools of war for the kingdom of Buton and its surroundings.

Wakatobi has the potential of marine natural resources of high value and uniqueness of both types, with an amazing underwater panorama. In general, the waters of the sea has a configuration of the starting level to sloping towards the sea, and some waters are rugged steep. Varying water depths, the deepest reaches 1044 meters with a bottom mostly sandy and rocky.
Wakatobi archipelago has 25 pieces of coral reef with a circumference of the coast of the islands along the 600 km. Fish species richness of this national park which is owned as many as 93 species of food fish and ornamental fish trade.
 Not only that enough. There are still some types of sea birds that also like to come and play in the waters. Several species of turtles that make the Park Authority as his home. Can also enjoy the dolphin watching. Diving or snorkeling. Enjoying the sun rising and setting of Kaledupa, who supposedly said to be one of the best places to see the sun come and go. Enjoy the beautiful sprinkling of stars on a clear night. And visit the museum flotation.

Culinary side did not want to miss. Enjoy kasuami, Wakatobi chicken curry and cake karasi. How wonderful natural attractions of this Park Authority. To the extent that the sky was smiling looking at its beauty from above.

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